Information according to Sec. 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)
Name of the service provider:
BLD Bach Langheid Dallmayr
Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
Persons authorized to represent the firm:
Dr. Joachim Grote (Cologne)
Björn Seitz (Cologne)
Dr. Martin Alexander, LL.M. (Cologne)
Bastian Finkel (Cologne)
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 13-15 | 50668 Cologne
Phone +49 221 944027-0 | Fax +49 221944027-7
Place of business and registration: Cologne. Local Court of Essen PR 2237
Sales Tax ID: DE123068745.
List of partners (by location): Partner
Offices and addresses: Locations
All lawyers of the law firm of BLD Bach Langheid Dallmayr mentioned on these pages are admitted to practice law in Germany. They belong to the respective bar associations at their following places of business: Cologne - Munich - Frankfurt - Berlin - Karlsruhe. (The lawyer Mr. Thora belongs to the bar association of Frankfurt am Main. | The lawyer Mr. Clausen belongs to the bar association of Schleswig-Holstein. | The lawyer Mrs. de Biasi belongs to the bar association of Munich. | The lawyer Mr. Kubiak belongs to the bar association of Cologne. | The lawyer Mr. Muschner belongs to the bar association of Berlin. | The lawyer Mr. Kröger bar association of Berlin. | The lawyer Mr. Kaplan bar association of Berlin.)
Bar association of Frankfurt am Main
Bar association of Hamm (Dortmund)
Bar association of Schleswig Holstein
Bar association of Sachsen (Leipzig)
Professional Liability Insurance
Sec. 51a German Federal Lawyers' Act (BRAO) stipulates the mandatory obligation of insurance and the required extent of insurance cover for a partnership with restricted professional liability. Lawyers are obligated under Sec. 51 BRAO to maintain professional liability insurance. In conformity with the requirements of Secs. 51, 51a BRAO we have taken out such insurance for BLD Bach Langheid Dallmayr Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB and for our partners and lawyers with Allianz Versicherungs-Aktiengesellschaft, Königinstraße 28, 80802 Munich. This insurance cover is valid for all of Europe.
The following scales of legal fees and professional codes of conduct apply:
PartGG - Partnerschaftsgesellschaftsgesetz
BRAO - Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung
RVG - Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz
BORA - Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte
Information and Disclaimer
Some argue that already by including a link, one becomes liable for the contents of the linked site. According to said opinion, this can be avoided only by expressly distancing oneself from the contents of the linked page(s) or the entire web.
On our homepage, we have included links to other sites on the Internet. The following applies to each and every one of these links: We have no influence whatsoever over the layout and contents of the linked sites. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from all contents to be found on any of the sites that we have linked on our homepage, including any and all sub-sites and their sub-links or other forwarding mechanisms. The above applies to any and all links included on our homepage and to any and all contents of the sites that are linked by way of a link, banner or otherwise. This note is necessary for legal reasons and is not to be understood as a judgment on the contents of the linked sites.
We are moreover not liable under any circumstances for the contents of Internet sites that make reference to us. We are unable to determine or verify such references. Moreover, we have no influence over how users will use, forward or forward in changed form the information provided herein. We therefore cannot be held liable for any damages, lost benefits or other indirect or direct consequences suffered as a result of using the information provided herein.
Cooperation BLD and DAC Beachcroft
Thanks to our cooperation with DAC Beachcroft, we are able to offer holistic advice in many jurisdictions in Europe. Together, we are one of the largest providers of insurance-related legal services in Europe.
BLD and DAC Beachcroft are independent law firms constituted and regulated in accordance with their own legal requirements in the jurisdictions where each operate. The responsibility for the provision of services to the client is defined in the letter of engagement between the instructed firm and the client.
The use of trading name “BLD together with with DAC Beachcroft” is for description purposes only and does not imply that both firms are in a partnership or are part of the same corporate group.”
Member of the Legalign Global law firm alliance.
"Legalign Global™ represents a leading international association of independent law firms in the insurance sector ("Member Law Firms"). Services are provided individually and independently by Member Law Firms. These Member Law Firms are NOT members of an international law firm or otherwise legal partners with each other. There is no common ownership between the firms and each member firm governs itself. Neither Legalign Global nor any of the member firms is liable or responsible for the services provided by any other member firm. Legalign Global is not a practicing entity.
Therefore, the use of the term Legalign Global is merely to describe the cooperation of the member firms within the group. It is not to be inferred that the member firms form a partnership or are part of the same group of companies, much less that the member firms belong to an international law firm under the name Legalign Global."