Law Firm

About Us
At eigth locations nationwide, about 700 BLD employees work according to our established quality model. This enables us to provide advice and services that offer our clients tangible added value in terms of legal and operational requirements. You receive exactly the scope of advice you need. Because your success is our focus.

An essential element of our specialization is the organization of BLD analogous to the structure of insurance companies. This not only increases the degree of specialization and knowledge of the particular requirements, working methods and cultures of the different insurance lines, but also establishes long-term contacts for our clients, whom they trust.

Competence Centres
In order to bundle the special know-how available in our departments, we have set up cross-divisional competence centers for bodily injury, fraud detection, and for topics that will be of importance to the insurance industry in the future.

The BLD Academy bundles a diverse range of advanced and further training measures for our clients and employees as well as external interested parties.
You too can benefit from our expertise and experience, because your success is our focus!