Christian Backes is a lawyer in the Life and Regulatory department at the Cologne office. He assists clients both forensically in litigation and in an advisory capacity. As an experienced litigator, Christian Backes conducts proceedings throughout Germany, especially in matters concerning life insurance (on disputes about the amount of insurance benefits and questions of subscription rights as well as in cases of objection and revocation) and all aspects of premium adjustments in health insurance. His litigation complements his advisory work, which generally extends to product development in all lines of business (most recently in legal review of general terms and conditions, in particular of premium adjustment clauses). In addition, he regularly advises on insurance supervisory law (most recently on issues of cooperation between insurers and insurance underwriting agencies).

Christian Backes
Law Studies,
Humboldt-University, Berlin
Legal Clerkship in Berlin
Government lawyer at Federal Employment Agency
Associate lawyer at law firm
since 2017
Lawyer at BLD
Christian Backes
Lawyer | Senior Associate
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 13-15
50668 Cologne
Tel +49 221 944027-166