Dr Andrea Nowak-Over is a lawyer and partner in the Life and Regulatory department at the Cologne and Hamburg offices. Her work focusses on compliance, competition and antitrust law as well as advice on product development. She is active both in the context of individual advisory cases as well as in court proceedings for the defence of interests and assets. Our clients also benefit from Dr Andrea Nowak-Over’s ability to address current developments from both areas and address client enquiries accordingly within the scope of her counselling work. In recent years, she has advised, inter alia, on the scope of injunctive relief in connection with claims for consequential relief, the EU Mediation Directive and the introduction of new compliance structures and products. She acts as an external officer for the monitoring of money laundering and supports insurers in the development of compliance guidelines, antitrust training documents and internal company processes relating to money laundering. Dr Andrea Nowak-Over is also a highly sought-after speaker.
Together with Christina Eckes and Christiane Osterspey, Dr. Andrea Nowak-Over heads the ESG consulting team, which deals with sustainability issues of all kinds, in particular from the perspective of coverage and liability law as well as regulatory issues.