Dr Eva K Günther is a specialist insurance lawyer and has her own law firm in Bergisch Gladbach. She regularly acts as Of Counsel for BLD. She has been representing BLD throughout Germany for 20 years as a litigator in all insurance sectors. She has extensive knowledge of the German Code of Civil Procedure and specialises in the taking of evidence. Her many years of experience in settlement negotiations, witness hearings and expert witness hearings are of great help to our clients in achieving the best possible outcome in court. As a specialist in criminal law, she has been expanding her services for our clients in the field of medical and commercial criminal law since 2024. As an experienced criminal defence lawyer, she competently guides our clients through what are usually regarded as stressful criminal proceedings.

Dr. Eva K. Günther
First state examination, University of Cologne
1995 - 2000
Institute of Criminology, University of Cologne
Since 1995
Lawyers BLD Cologne, freelancer
1998 - 1999
Notary's office Dr. Konrad Adenauer, Cologne
Second state examination, Cologne Higher Regional Court (OLG)
Doctorate with Prof. Dr. Hirsch, University of Cologne
Since 2002
Seit 2004
Mediator, University of Bielefeld
Seit 2020
Specialist lawyer for insurance law
Dr. Eva K. Günther
Lawyer | Of Counsel | Specialist Insurance Lawyer
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 13-15
50668 Cologne
Tel 0221944027948