José Zambrano is a lawyer in the Medical Malpractice department at the Frankfurt am Main office. As a specialist in this field, our clients not only benefit from his profound legal expertise, but also from the fact that José Zambrano is very familiar with medical cases, which are often complex, and can integrate his knowledge of these cases into his litigation.

José Zambrano Marrero
2010 - 2014
Law and politics studies (minor subject), bachelor´s degree at Georg-August-University Göttingen
2015 - 2018
Law studies, University of Marburg
2018 - 2020
Legal clerkship in Marburg
2020 - 2022
Lawyer in a law firm (specialized in medical malpractice) in Marburg
Since 2023
Lawyer at BLD
José Zambrano Marrero
Lawyer | Senior Associate
Stephanstraße 3
60313 Frankfurt
Tel +49 069920740-74
- BLD Pop-up-Seminar Arzt und Krankenhaushaftung zum Thema: (Nicht-)Abgrenzbare Teilkausalität im Arzthaftungsrecht, Online: 13.07.2023