Katharina Droste is a lawyer in the General Liability department at the Cologne office. As a specialised litigator, she focuses on the areas of animal owner liability, liability due to the breach of the legal duty to maintain safety as well as the processing of property damage in the field of general liability.

Katharina Droste
2013 - 2020
Law studies, University of Cologne
2014 - 2022
Scientific assistant at a law firm for insurance law
2021 - 2023
Legal clerkship at the Regional Court of Cologne, among others at a law firm for insurance law and at BLD
03/2023 - 05/2023
Scientific assistant at BLD
Since 2023
Lawyer at BLD
Katharina Droste
Lawyer | Associate
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 13-15
50668 Cologne
Tel +49 221 944027-941