Prof Dr Dirk-Carsten Günther is a lawyer and partner at the Cologne office. He leads the Property, Marine and Transport department and the BLD Forensic Claims Center. Prof Dr Dirk-Carsten Günther is a Specialist Insurance Lawyer and a full professor at the Faculty of Economics and Law at the Institute of Insurance Science TH Köln, where he leads the department of Property Insurance and related insurance branches. He is also co-director of the Insurance Law Research Centre and co-director of the LLM programme in Insurance Law at TH Köln. Prof Dr Dirk-Carsten Günther is co-editor of the insurance law service of beckonline, founder of the blog and manages the YouTube channel Versicherungsrecht & Co. As one of the most sought-after insurance law experts in Germany, his extensive specialist publications and public statements attract widespread attention in the formation of opinion, as most recently in the course of lawsuits pertaining to business interruption insurance in the wake of Covid-related closures. Prof Dr Dirk-Carsten Günther consults our clients on numerous major loss events and complex claims, as well as on current developments, e.g., in the area of digitalisation or major natural hazard events such as the 2021 flood disaster in western Germany.

Prof. Dr. Dirk-Carsten Günther
- Cyber und data risk
- Crisis Counselling/Response
- Product Development
- Property and Technical Insurance
- Transport Insurance
1992 - 1995
First and second state examinations
Doctorate under Prof. Dr. Rüfner/Prof. Dr. Hanau, University of Cologne
since 1995
Lawyer at BLD
Division Manager for Property Insurance
Leader of BLD Fraud Resolution Centre
Co publisher and editor of the special service insurance law (beck-online)
since 1999
Partner at BLD
since 2009
Full professor in the School of Law and Economics, Fachhochschule Köln (University of Applied Sciences)
since 2016
Head of BLD-Forensic Claims Centre
Gründer und Betreiber des Blogs zum Versicherungsrecht
Prof. Dr. Dirk-Carsten Günther
Lawyer | Partner | Specialist Insurance Lawyer
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 13-15
50668 Cologne
Tel +49 221 944027-26