Sibille Bucka is a lawyer and partner in the Motor department at the Munich office and assistant head of the department. As a nationally known personal injury specialist, she focusses on the out-of-court settlement and in-court representation of policyholders on behalf of motor and liability insurers. She also regularly handles foreign claims in motor liability. Sibille Bucka is known for her solution-oriented litigation with a high degree of tact and respectful interaction with all parties, and she consistently keeps the economic aspects of the proceedings in mind for our clients. She is a member of the BLD Forensic Claims Center and holds regular training sessions with our clients.
Sibille Bucka
1996 - 2003
Law studies, University of Munich and University of Nanterre (Paris X)
with the degree of "Licence en Droit" (French law)
2003 - 2005
Legal clerkship in the higher regional court Munich district
Lawyer in the Munich office of a trans-regional
law firm focusing mainly on commercial law
since 2007
Lawyer at BLD
since 2011
Partner at BLD