Thomas Schwarz is a lawyer in the Construction Insurance and General Liability departments at the Cologne office. He conducts proceedings for our clients at all German court locations in these fields, including social law and social court proceedings in personal injury law. As a litigator with many years of experience, Thomas Schwarz not only has specialised knowledge of insurance and liability law as well as solid technical and economic expertise, but also possesses the experience necessary to successfully represent our clients in complex cases involving numerous parties and in difficult litigation situations.
Thomas Schwarz
Legal clerkship in Düsseldorf
Freelancer in Solvay-Deutschland GmbH's legal department and in a law firm in Solingen
Lawyer in a commercial law firm in Solingen and in a law firm/notary's office in Bremen
Rölfs Partner Wirtschaftsprüfer, Steuerberater und Rechtsanwälte
since 1996
Lawyer at BLD
Thomas Schwarz
Lawyer | Counsel
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 13-15
50668 Cologne
Tel +49 221 944027-33