Wolf Kindervater is a lawyer and counsel in the Life and Supervision practice area at the Hamburg office. He advises our clients in the areas of insurance distribution law, supervisory law as well as personal insurance law. As an in-house lawyer in the insurance industry for many years, Wolf Kindervater has in-depth industry knowledge and is very familiar with the internal processes and requirements of our clients from the insurance industry. His advice is therefore targeted and aimed at minimising legal risks through pragmatic and usable approaches to solutions, without ignoring the commercial dimension. Wolf Kindervater also has extensive experience in litigation due to his many years of experience as a litigator at the beginning of his professional career.

Wolf Kindervater, LL.M.
- Insurance Regulatory
- Compliance
- Corporate/M & A
- Health Insurance
- Distribution law
- Competition and antitrust law
2005 - 2010
Lawyer in boutique law firms focussing on insurance distribution law, in particular litigation for various insurers in commercial and competition law disputes
2010 - 2019
In-house lawyer at a medium-sized insurance group; supporting all sales channels from exclusive organisations to brokers and multiple agents to cooperations and online sales
LL.M. insurance law studies, Master's thesis honoured with the Excellence Award of the Association for the Promotion of Insurance Science in Hamburg e.V.
2019 – 2022
Lawyer specialising in insurance distribution and insurance regulatory law for an audit-related law firm
since 2022
Lawyer / Counsel at BLD
Wolf Kindervater, LL.M.
Lawyer | Counsel
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 13-15
50668 Cologne
Mobile +49 221 944027-670
Versicherungswissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg e.V.
„Gruppenversicherungsnehmer als Versicherungsvermittler – Zweiter Akt", ZfV 09/2022
“Entdeckungslust: Strategische - Eckpfeiler und Erfolgsfaktoren für Internationalisierung”, VW 2021
“Weil nicht sein kann, was nicht sein darf: Das BaFin-Merkblatt zum Sondervergütungs-/Provisionsabgabeverbot”, ZfV 02, 2021
"Bancassurance 2.0 - nur alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen”, ZfgK, 2020, S. 456ff.
“Besonderheiten des Versicherungsvertriebsrechts” in Giesler (Hrsg.): Praxis des Vertriebsrechts, 3. Auflage 2018
“Kein Widerspruchsrecht gegen Bestandsübertragung bei Maklerwechsel wegen fehlender Originalvollmacht”, ZfV 02/2018 und 03/2018
“Honorarvermittlung und die Vereinbarung von Abschlussentgelten mit dem Versicherungsnehmer” in Drees/Koch/Nell (Hrsg.): Aktuelle Probleme des Versicherungsvertrags-, Versicherungsaufsichts- und Vermittlerrechts (Hamburger Reihe D), 2017