Legal concerns arise in product design and planning, manufacture and delivery, and ultimately product use. European and national requirements for product safety law under public law must be taken into account, as well as product liability law under civil law. BLD product liability teams not only offer extensive experience in the assessment of facts in supply chains, but also in the implementation of recalls and product recall liability. In commerce and industry, however, not only does German non-uniform law regularly apply, but there are often conflict-of-law (preliminary) questions to be answered, which involve BLD lawyers specialising in product liability law on a regular basis. BLD product liability teams demonstrate these core skills not only in advising their clients out of court, but also in countless proceedings before government and arbitration courts.
Our BLD product liability lawyers have gained extensive industry expertise in the following specific areas:
• Motor vehicles
• Food and drink
• Medical products
• Pharmaceuticals
• Building products
• Life sciences
• Consumer
• Chemicals
• Large-scale industry
• Machine building
Hardly any other legal team combines this level of expertise in liability matters with detailed knowledge of the corresponding insurance policies and coverage concepts. BLD product liability lawyers regularly advise and litigate, not only on public liability insurance, but also on product liability, product recall liability insurance and product protection cover. Foreign as well as German insurers rely on our lawyers’ experience in liability and coverage law for product innovations and clause advice.
In addition to legal matters, BLD’s product liability teams also quickly and comprehensively handle highly complex technical issues in the respective product area. If necessary, we can refer you to experienced specialists for further advice, some of whom BLD has been working with for years.

Product Liability and Recalls
Dr. Martin Alexander, LL.M.
Lawyer | Managing Partner
Cologne -
Frauke Bartels, Maître en droit, LL.B.
Lawyer | Associate
Cologne -
Dr. Jendrik Böhmer, LL.M.
Lawyer | Partner
Cologne -
Bettina Budach
Lawyer | Managing Associate
Cologne -
Dr. Rainer Büsken
Lawyer | Of Counsel
Cologne -
Dr. Wolfram Ellwanger
Lawyer | Partner
Frankfurt -
Dr. Tim Erbstößer
Lawyer | Associate
Cologne -
Valentin Erler
Lawyer | Senior Associate
Cologne -
Marcel Hohagen, LL.M.
Lawyer | Partner
Cologne -
Carsten Hösker, LL.M.
Lawyer | Partner
Cologne -
Jan Kordes, LL.M.
Lawyer | Partner
Cologne -
Joachim Krane
Lawyer | Partner
Munich -
Dr. Martin Lomb, LL.M.
Lawyer | Salary Partner
Cologne -
Dr. Michael Marx, LL.M. (Kapstadt)
Lawyer | Counsel
Frankfurt -
Robert Mielke
Lawyer | Associate
Cologne -
Christiane Osterspey
Lawyer | Salary Partner
Cologne -
Alexander Scalidis
Lawyer | Counsel
Frankfurt -
Raphael Ulrich, Maître en droit, LL.B.
Lawyer | Senior Associate
Cologne -
Florian Wegmann
Lawyer | Senior Associate
Cologne -
Stefan Worbs
Lawyer | Senior Associate