In recent years, both insurance brokers and insurers themselves have been increasingly confronted with questions relating to distribution law. In addition to public law (s. 34 of the German Trade Regulation Act, GewO) and private law (s. 59 et seqq. of the German Insurance Contract Act (VVG)), insurers face court-issued requirements on the sale and distribution of insurance products. Above all, they are confronted with challenges in implementing the new European Insurance Distribution Directive, IDD.
Our law firm knows the diverse issues and requirements stipulated by distribution law, be it through our participation in the government commission on the Insurance Contract Act reforms or through numerous expert lectures, publications and consultations on the implementation of new legal provisions. Our lawyers are familiar with the problems and questions associated with the new distribution law and are ready to assist you in the development and implementation of legally compliant innovations. Through our forensic work, we also follow the current developments and trends in legal opinion for you. We incorporate the litigation experience we have gained into our advice in keeping with our guiding principle of resolving your concerns successfully.
Together with you, we develop procedures and documentation that are legally compliant, practice-oriented and suitable for distribution. We advise you on the development and adaptation of agency agreements and write sample contracts together with insurance brokers. In addition, we represent you in disputes relating to distribution law, both in and out of court. In legal disputes with consumer protection associations, we take over the management of the case and prepare the corresponding protective writs.
We are also happy to accept cases for large insurance intermediaries when it is not a matter of enforcing claims against insurers.