Since deregulation in 1994, we have been assisting our clients in designing their insurance products. In doing so, regulatory requirements must be observed as well as the provisions of insurance contract law and the requirements of the law governing general terms and conditions.
The drafting of insurance wordings is one of our core competencies.
Decades of experience in the forensic evaluation of insurance contracts in lawsuits, involvement in completely new product designs and close cooperation with our litigation teams lead to unique solutions taking into account the latest case law developments and trends.
The creation of completely new products is just as much a part of our work as providing second opinions on already existing wordings. In doing so, we produce wordings in electronic form in order to establish an uncomplicated exchange of opinions with our clients. From our point of view, changes that are absolutely necessary are made in the change mode. We provide recommendations for alternative drafting options by means of separately marked comments or we point out special constellations in footnotes (e.g. upcoming changes in the law).
In this way, we create individual and legally compliant insurance terms and conditions, which are developed into end products in line with the market, taking into account the content specifications of our clients. We also support our clients in the introduction of new or foreign products into the German legal area and check the compatibility of foreign insurance products with German law.